Attendance Line:
Main Office:
3-21 - McAuliffe Read-A-Thon
4 - PTC Meeting, McAuliffe Media Center, 6:30-7:30pm
17 - NO SCHOOL - Presidents' Day
26 - Evening Conferences & Scholastic Book Fair
27 - Evening Conferences & Scholastic Book Fair
28 - NO SCHOOL - Morning Conferences & Scholastic Book Fair
17 - 21 - NO SCHOOL - Spring Break
Elementary conferences are scheduled in the evening of Wednesday, February 26th and Thursday, February 27th, as well as during the morning of Friday, February 28th.
Conference Sign Ups are now live! Click the button below to sign up.
As a part of Black History Month, we have highlighted books for students to browse and check out in the Media Center. Please encourage students to check out the display! You may also view the collection of books curated for Black History Month through the following steps:
Click: >
>Christa McAuliffe Elementary
>Resource Lists
>Black History Month
If there is a specific book your child is interested in, please connect with their teacher to help them locate the title.
If you missed out last month your student(s) have a chance to earn another STEAM badge at home. This month students can earn the IMAGINE Badge. For February we are imagining all kinds of creatures we can make out of snow, even if we don’t currently have much on the ground. Work with Mrs. Hewitt, by clicking here, to make snow in your own kitchen and see what happens when you help this special snow melt. Note to families, we suggest doing this in a place where things can get messy, or lay a waterproof table cloth or trash bag over your table or counter before you begin. If you complete the activity found in the video, make sure to let Mrs. Hewitt know by clicking here so your student(s) can earn their IMAGINE Badge.
New to STEAM Badges: What does this mean? Each month from now until the end of the school year watch our newsletter for our STEAM Badge Update. Each month your student(s) will have the chance to work with Mrs. Hewitt on a STEAM project at home. Through her video she will read a story and talk about a STEAM project to try at home. When students finish their project, use this link to earn this month’s badge. Each month’s entry earns them another badge. At the end of the year students will receive a certificate with all their badges.
Miss a previous month?
Check out January by clicking here!
Class placement forms are now available in the office if you wish to provide specific input into your child's 2025-26 classroom assignment. Please have these forms returned by Friday, April 11th. Please do not phone or email this information to us.
Semester 1 Report Cards are available on Infinite Campus Parent Portal under Documents. If you do not have access to your Parent Portal, please email for your Activation Key.
February 3rd- February 21st
As part of 'I Love to Read' month, McAuliffe is participating in an educational fundraiser to promote reading and replenish funds for our Parent Teacher Connection (PTC). The McAuliffe PTC supports activities and events for McAuliffe students, teachers, and families throughout the year.
Our book fair will be held in the Media Center during conferences:
Wednesday, February 26th; 3:30 - 7:30 pm
Thursday, February 27th; 3:30 - 7:30 pm
Friday, February 28th; 8:00 am - 12:00 pm
Volunteers Needed!! Please sign up here to help at the book fair.
Online fair site: February 24th - March 9th
Beginning Semester 2 (January 22, 2025), parents/guardians are able to submit full day absence requests directly through their Infinite Campus Parent Portal account. This can be used to inform the school attendance office in advance when your child is not going to be in school. This may be done using a computer or the Campus Parent Portal app on your mobile device. The portal absence request process is only available for full day absence requests. Absence requests for late arrivals or leave early requests must still be done by contacting the school attendance office. You also still have the option of calling the attendance office to report full day absences if you prefer. If you do not have a parent portal account, please contact your child's school to request one. More information including step by step instructions for how to submit an absence request directly through your portal account can be found on our website.
Online Registration is due by February 28th.
Click HERE to get started.
If your student has not completed Early Childhood Screening, call 651-480-7381 or click HERE to get this scheduled.
Ready for Recess?
It is important for students to get outside for some physical activity every day. They are provided with a 20-minute daily recess. We expect everyone to come to school dressed for the weather. Our school will have indoor recess on days when the weather is not suitable for outside play:
If the temperature with wind chill is below -11°.
Some schools may choose to have a 10-minute outside recess for temperatures around -11°. Outside supervisors will make this decision in cooperation with the office.
Students with health plans on file in the health office may have special considerations that will be followed.
During the winter months, your child needs to wear a coat, mittens/gloves, snow pants and boots since the children will go outside for recess unless the wind chill temperature is below -11°. Once it snows, children who do not have boots or snow pants will need to stay on the blacktop area. Please contact our School Social Worker, Mackenzie Lucas-Kennedy (, 651.480.7417) if you need any assistance with winter gear.
It is important that you have accurate phone numbers on file for your student with the school district. Although we are using a calling system to contact families in case of inclement weather, the district will still continue to post school delays or closings in the following ways:
Official school closing announcements will be made on Hastings KDWA Radio 1460, WCCO-Channel 4, KSTP-Channel 5, KMSP-Channel 9 and KARE-Channel 11 television and Hastings Public School Website.
In case of inclement weather, activities will be shared with families in the students’ take-home folders, as well as being posted on the school's webpage. Students with an Individualized Education Plan will follow lessons provided by their classroom teacher and/or lessons modified by their case manager. Please return completed work to school or submit it through Seesaw as directed by your teacher. The due dates for e-Learning day assignments will typically be due the next day.
*Please note, the first inclement weather day will not have e-learning expectations in place.
Link to the District E-Learning Day Plans
Illness and Keeping Your Child Home
A student should not come to school (and may be sent home from school) if they have or have had:
a fever of 100 degrees F or more in the past 24 hours
vomiting or diarrhea in the past 24 hours
an undiagnosed skin rash
Reporting Absences
If your student will not be at school, please call and report the reason for their absence at 651-480-7391. If your student is ill, please report their symptoms and/or any diagnosed communicable condition like chicken pox, strep throat, cough and fever, influenza, or pink eye. It is recommended that you follow the MDH and CDC exclusion guidelines for communicable diseases.
In order to attend school, students must show that they're in compliance with Minnesota School Immunization Requirements (see the Minnesota Department of Health Link below for more Information). Hastings School's immunization policy states that students who are not up to date on their immunizations will not be allowed to start school until they provide the school with documentation that they have received the required immunizations.
Parents/guardians may check their student's immunization status by logging on to the parent portal in Infinite Campus. To see the immunization records, click on the HEALTH tab. If your student's immunization status says "current for grade" in ALL immunizations required by law, then the student is up to date and ready for the start of school. If your student is not current, they will need to get the required immunizations to attend the first day of school. Yearly physicals with their healthcare provider are strongly encouraged for students to have optimal health.
Parents/guardians may choose to decline immunizations for their students by filing a legal exemption with the school. Student Immunization Form
If you have further questions, please reach out to our building nurse: Emily Lubich,
Early Pick Up & Dismissal Changes
In order to minimize interruptions to the classroom, students should not be picked up early unless it is an emergency. On those occasions when it is necessary to pick your child up during the school day, please go to the school office, with your ID, to sign your child out. If someone other than the parent/guardian is picking up, office must be notified in advance and their ID also is required. The office personnel will contact your child’s teacher to dismiss them and meet you in the office.
When there is a change to your child’s normal dismissal plan, please contact the main office at 651-480-7390 by 2:30 pm if possible.
Teachers will not release students unless the office gives prior approval. This practice has been established to help protect your child.
Your child's safety is of prime importance to us. There are a few procedure guidelines that help us maintain a secured building and limit the number of distractions to our classrooms. Our building is designed to have a single entry point during the school day. Please keep the following in mind:
Always check in at the office whenever you are at school.
We have a secure entrance, please ring the doorbell and state your reason for visiting.
When delivering things for your child (ex. snow gear), please drop them off at the office. We will deliver articles or call your child down to the office.
Bring Your ID
Please bring your driver's license with you when you are checking out your student, volunteering, or visiting for lunch.
Throughout the year, there may be times that your child may be sick, need to go to medical appointments, etc. If your child is absent or will be late, please call the attendance line by 8:50 am at 651-480-7391.
Being on time to school is very important. If you are late to school, please check your student in at the main office.
Community Education Recreational Opportunities
TO REGISTER: Call 651-480-7670 or register online at
Hastings Public Schools
The Hastings School District consists of approximately 4,300 students. Please click on the links below to email the building principal or site leader. We've also included the phone numbers to the main offices of each of our district's sites:
Tilden Community Center 651-480-7670
Kennedy Elementary (K-4) 651-480-7221
McAuliffe Elementary (K-4) 651-480-7390
Pinecrest Elementary (K-4) 651-480-7280
Hastings Middle School(5-8) 651-480-7060
Hastings High School (9-12) 651-480-7470
Hastings Alternative Learning Center 651-480-7690
*If you need any assistance in translating this newsletter, contact us at
Location: 1000 11th Street West, Hastings, MN, USA
Phone: 651-480-7000