Raider Families and Staff,
As Thanksgiving approaches, it’s a perfect time to reflect on the many things we’re grateful for. No matter how you celebrate the holiday, I hope it brings you meaningful moments with family and friends.
In this week’s update, I’m excited to share important opportunities and highlights. Don’t miss your final chance to contribute your voice to the district’s strategic planning process. While there’s still time, the link will close at 11:59pm on 11/25. In today’s update, you’ll also find details about the latest community survey, and important upcoming calendar events. With the upcoming holiday, there will not be a Raider Update on Sunday, December 1.
Thank you for staying connected and engaged in our school community!
Hastings Strategic Plan
Thank you to everyone who participated in the strategic planning listening session, facilitated by Gail Gilman of the Minnesota School Boards Association. Your feedback, along with input gathered through the online survey (linked below) and the recent School Perceptions Survey, will play a key role in shaping the ongoing discussions to update the district’s strategic plan.
The school board will continue this important work during its upcoming work session on December 4, beginning at 6:30 p.m. On behalf of the district, we appreciate your engagement and commitment to helping shape the future of our district!
Please click here to access the online survey. Please note this link will close at 11:59PM on Monday, November 25th.
School Perceptions Survey
The Results Are In!
Thank you to everyone who participated in this year’s survey. Your input has helped identify the district's top priorities, which will shape our new strategic plan and guide our efforts moving forward.
The Community Engagement Tour will kick off with the start of the new school year, providing opportunities to share updates and gather further insights. If your group or organization is interested in learning more about the district's initiatives and progress, please don’t hesitate to reach out.
Top Priorities Identified by Survey Participants:
School Safety and Security: 55%
Student Behavior and Discipline: 50%
Recruiting and Retaining High-Quality Staff: 47%
Mental Health Services for Students & Career and Technical Education: 41%
College Credit Opportunities: 32%
Community Business Partnerships for Students: 17%
We value your feedback and look forward to working together to address these priorities for the benefit of our students and community!
Calendar Reminders
Upcoming calendar reminders:
November 28-29 Fall Break
No School December 2: District Staff Development
Raider Events
As always, thank you for your ongoing support of Hastings Public Schools. If you have any questions, concerns, or feedback, please don’t hesitate to reach out to me.
Dr. Tamara Champa
Superintendent, Hastings Public Schools