About Us:
Attendance Line: 651-480-7281
Main Office: 651-480-7280
Nurse: 651-480-7286
Kids' Campus: 651-480-7296
Hastings Bus Company: 651-437-1888
Website: http://pinecrest.hastings.k12.mn.us
Location: 975 12th Street West, Hastings, MN 55033
About Us:
Attendance Line: 651-480-7281
Main Office: 651-480-7280
Nurse: 651-480-7286
Kids' Campus: 651-480-7296
Hastings Bus Company: 651-437-1888
Website: http://pinecrest.hastings.k12.mn.us
Location: 975 12th Street West, Hastings, MN 55033
Dates to Remember:
Aug 16 - Teacher Assignment & Busing Information released on Parent Portal
Sept 2 - Labor Day
Sept 3 & 4 - Raider Set Go (info below)
Sept 5 - First Day of School for K-4 students
Sept 9 - Pinecrest PTA Meeting, 7:15 pm in the Pinecrest Media Center
Sept 12 - Pinecrest Playground Picnic, 5:30 pm
Sept 18 - Elementary School Picture Day
Sept 28 - Oct 6 - Pinecrest Read-a-thon - more info to come!
Sept 30 - NO SCHOOL - Staff Development
Dear Pinecrest Elementary School Parent/Guardian:
Welcome to the 2024-25 school year! We are excited to start this year alongside students and families with our annual Raider, Set, Go connections. Family engagement is a key piece to our success working with students. Over the past several years, we have found many students need more support as they transition to the new school year. In response to this need, we have created the opportunity for students and teachers to have time to connect and learn more about each other. This will also provide time for families to meet with their child’s teacher before the start of the school year.
What should we expect at our Raider, Set, Go conference?
Students and teachers will begin with a short “get to know you” activity, allowing students to share their interests and learning preferences.
Students will then complete a reading activity with their teacher, followed by time for families to connect with the teacher.
When are Raider, Set, Go Conferences?
Tuesday, September 3rd from 10:30 am - 6:00 pm
Wednesday, September 4th from 8:00 am - 3:15 pm
*Kindergarten families see additional "Welcome to Kindergarten Sessions" below
How do we sign up for a Raider, Set, Go Conference?
Similar to parent-teacher conferences, families will use this link to PTCfast to sign up for their 25 minute conference.
What should we bring?
Students are often excited about school supplies and are welcomed to bring them to their classroom at this time.
Computers will be available for parents to update portal information, if needed.
Kindergarten Families - Welcome to Kindergarten Sessions
To help our kindergarten students and families successfully transition into the school year, our Raider, Set, Go days will look a little different than our other grade levels. Families will sign up for a 75 minute session and will be grouped with up to four other families. During this time, students will have an opportunity to meet a few of their classmates, work with their teacher, hear a story and have playtime. Parents/guardians will learn what the kindergarten day looks like, have a clear understanding about arrival, dismissal, and lunch procedures, hear about our school environment and communication practices, as well as have the opportunity to ask questions. If the 4 scheduled times do not work for your family, please connect with our office staff (651-480-7280). Our 75 minutes will be broken down as follows:
15 minutes: Meet teacher, scavenger hunt in classroom
30 minutes: 4-5 families meet with teacher to learn about the elementary school experience
while students enjoy a story and play time in one of our other kindergarten classrooms.
15 minutes: Parents put away school supplies and fill out paperwork, teacher works with 4-5 kids in small groups.
15 minutes: Parents can stay and ask individual questions.
The first day of school for all elementary students is Thursday, September 5th.
School begins at 8:00 AM and students should arrive at school from 7:40 AM to 7:55 AM to be ready for the start of the learning day. All students in grades K-4 will need to enter the building through the main doors (Door 1). Students are dismissed at 2:35 PM.
Assignments will be available at 6:00 PM on Friday, August 16th by logging in to Infinite Campus Parent Portal (go to Documents, then select homeroom assignment). Call 651-480-7280 or email Cheryl Niebur at cniebur@isd200.org if you need to set up a portal account.
Transportation routing information, including courtesy bus stop information, will be available on the Campus Portal on August 16th by clicking “More” and then “Bus Information.” Please remember to recheck routing information closer to the start of the school year, as minor adjustments may be made. If your pickup or drop-off location is inaccurate, please contact the main office.
Just a reminder that the district had an opt-out of transportation for students in grades K-8 and an opt-in for transportation for students in grades 9-12. This information has been updated in the Campus Portal.
The walking distance for elementary students is up to a .75-mile radius from the school and a 1.75-mile radius for secondary students. Detailed maps of the walking areas are available on the district’s website.
Hastings Public Schools is pleased to provide families with an easy way to sign annual forms and review and update household contact information for the 2024-25 school year through their Campus Parent Portal Account. Beginning mid-August, families will be asked to review and update their household contact information and review and agree to school handbooks, student device agreements, and other annual forms. Once you complete the Annual Update process, be sure to go to the district ePay system if you wish to purchase the protection plan. Although the Online Update process will provide some information on the plan, you must go to the ePay system to complete the purchase. (Link: https://hastings.epaytrak.com/). Be sure to watch your email and our website for more information on how to complete our electronic Annual Updates process.
One parent or guardian from the primary household will be required to provide information for your children. Parents/Guardians from a secondary household will be able to update their own contact information.
After logging into your Parent Portal Account, click More and Back-To-School Annual Updates to begin.
Did you know "Educational Benefits" are more than Free and Reduced Lunches? By qualifying for benefits, families can access WIC Benefits, the Metro Transit Assistance Program, reduced internet programs (FCC Affordable Connectivity Program), and scholarships or discounts on camps, athletic programs and child care.
All families are encouraged to apply as these benefits also help Hastings schools qualify for education funding, discounts and other meal programs that benefit all students.
Link to apply: https://frapps.horizonsolana.com/HASS01
The Pinecrest School Supply List is available on our website.
Hastings Family Service is accepting donations of school supplies for distribution. Donations of school supplies, new socks, underwear and backpacks may be brought to HFS.
If you are in need of school supplies, please make an appointment by calling 651-437-7134. Distribution dates are August 20, 21, 22, 23.
As we partner together, students will remain at the heart of all we do! If you have any questions, please reach out.
Paul Bakker, Principal
Pinecrest Elementary
Join the Pinecrest PTA
Visit https://pinecrest-isd200.givebacks.com/for more information!
2024-2025 School Picture Information & Dates
Cahill Studios Picture Day Information!
Picture Date: Wednesday, September 18th
Retake Date: Wednesday, October 23rd
All galleries will be emailed to parents 2-5 business days after picture day. If you order a Package or a BYOP bundle within seven days of galleries going online, you'll receive a FREE Social Media Image, so don't forget to order!
Cahill Studios will send you important picture day information from the following email address: no-reply@imagequix.com, so keep a lookout!
View your 100+ FREE background options online to coordinate your students' outfits best!
Don't like your first-day photo?
Wait to purchase photos, and your student can have their picture taken on Retake Day.
If you have any questions, you can reach out to Cahill Studios.
The Cahill Studios Customer Care Team
Email: service@cahillphotostudio.com
Office Number: 715-268-9363
Toll-Free Number: 866-229-0135
Parents of students with special needs are invited to join Hastings' Special Education Staff in discussing how to support one another and providing input on district programming. Please mark your calendars for the Special Education Advisory Council (SEAC) 2024-2025 meeting dates!
October 28th - time and location to be announced
February 24th - time and location to be announced
April 2025 - All Dakota County SEAC - Date, time, and location TBD
For more information about SEAC or if you are interested in becoming a member, please contact Jill Petersen at 651-480-7008 or jpetersen@isd200.org
What is the Minnesota Free School Meals Program?
The Minnesota Free School Meals Program provides state reimbursement to schools participating in the National School Lunch Program and School Breakfast Program so that students can have one breakfast and one lunch at no cost at school.
Can the meals be picked up or brought home like we did during the pandemic?
No. Congregate meal service is required in the National School Lunch Program and the School Breakfast Program. Meals may not be taken off campus, sent home, delivered, or picked up by parents or others.
Do I still need to complete the Application for Educational Benefits?
Families need to complete the Application for Educational Benefits. Applications for Educational Benefits determine how much funding your child’s school receives for educational programs and support. Additionally, eligible families can qualify for other benefits, such as:
WIC Benefits
Metro Transit Assistance Program
FCC Affordable Connectivity Program/Reduced price internet programs
Some summer camps, athletics programs, and child cares offer scholarships or discounts
What is included in the MN Free School Meals Program?
The student must choose at least three items to be counted as a reimbursable meal at breakfast. The student must choose a ½ cup serving of fruit or vegetable as part of their breakfast. At lunch, the student must choose at least three components to be counted as a reimbursable meal. The student must choose a ½ cup serving of fruit or vegetable as part of their lunch.
What is NOT included in the MN Free School Meals Program?
Single-item purchases and non-reimbursable meals are not free. Some examples include: a carton of milk, snack items, a second entrée, a second breakfast, or a second lunch, meals that do not meet the minimum requirements, and meals served to teachers, staff, and other adults.
The price for student breakfast and lunch meals will be $0 for all sites.
Fill out the Form! The Application for Education Benefits helps determine how much education funding your school will receive. Complete an application for your student for the school year 2024-25.
Students and families may qualify for other program fee reductions based on their eligibility for free or reduced-price meals. Parents should complete an Application for Education Benefits.
Only meals that meet the requirements are reimbursed. Students that want additional or single items will be charged for those items.
The 2024-25 Free and Reduced Meal Application will be available online this summer on the district website under Food Service, and a paper application has been mailed out to families.
For more information, please call Krystel Ebel 651-480-7050 or Brittney Hirschauer 651-480-7126
School Age Care
Click here for more information: https://hastingspsmn.sites.thrillshare.com/o/communityed/page/school-age-care
Hastings Public Schools
The Hastings School District consists of approximately 4,300 students. Please click on the links below to email the building principal or site leader. We've also included the phone numbers to the main offices of each of our district's sites:
Tilden Community Center 651-480-7670
Kennedy Elementary (K-4) 651-480-7221
McAuliffe Elementary (K-4) 651-480-7390
Pinecrest Elementary (K-4) 651-480-7280
Hastings Middle School(5-8) 651-480-7060
Hastings High School (9-12) 651-480-7470
Hastings Alternative Learning Center 651-480-7690
*If you need any assistance in translating this newsletter, contact us at kgorr@isd200.org.
Website: www.hastings.k12.mn.us
Location: 1000 11th Street West, Hastings, MN, USA
Phone: 651-480-7000
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/hastingspublicschools